
Monday, April 20, 2009

See What Causes Most Roof Leaks In Dallas, Texas

Nine out of ten roof leaks are caused by the same thing - plumbing vent problems! Here's the situation: A roof is installed and the plumbing vent boots are replaced. (Plumbing vents are the PVC pipes that stick up out of the roof). After 3 to 4 years, the rubber boot around the PVC pipe begins to deteriorate, rot, crack, split, and wear out. The next time it rains water travels straight down the PVC pipe into the attic and the next thing you know there's a water stain on your bathroom ceiling. There are two ways to correct the leak. One is to seal around the PVC pipe where the pipe and rubber boot meet. This will work if the boot is not badly cracked or split. However, if the the rubber boot is in very bad condition it will need to be replaced. Sometimes, some of the shingles need to be replaced around the vent too. If you have roof leaks, call Rainy Day Roofing & Exteriors for a free estimate at (866) 596-2030. Or visit them at

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